VX220 2.2 balance delete

In stock: 1 available
Product Details

VX220 machined balance delete gears

Prior to installation you need to:

step 1; find a 30mm socket and a 15" long 1/2" extension bar.

step 2; place the engine up on end onto the flywheel and slide the socket into the front balancer shaft hole.

step 3; note the position of the block face on the extension bar, then remove the bar and fit some masking tape to the bar so you can mark the height of the block.

step 4; refit the bar and mark the face of the block onto the masking tape, spin the bar so the mark is all the way round

step 5; remove bar (again) and then mark a new line 7.5mm further away from the socket

step 6; refit the bar into the block, you now should have the new line 7.5mm from the block face

step 7; using a BIG hammer carefully knock the rear bearing towards the flywheel by 7.5mm (until the new line is level with the block)

step 8; repeat step 7 for the other bearing

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VX220 2.2 balance delete

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